"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will be filled with new wine." Proverbs 3:9-10
The financial support that you give allows us to provide the ministries that you and your fellow parishioners need in order to grow spiritually and personally. We hope that you have had the opportunity to see directly how your generous donations have helped our community thrive.
The day-to-day functioning of our parish relies not only on your time and talent, but the continued financial contributions of families like yours in order to serve our growing community. While our parish continues to grow, the growth has slowed. That slower growth means that the existing members have the responsibility to adjust their giving so we can continue to meet the everyday expenses of our ministries (of which there are over 57), run the parish operations, and make progress on paying off our debt.
Weekly Envelopes
Each month you will receive a packet of envelopes that contain all envelopes for each Sunday of the month, as will as envelopes for the Building Fund, Guardian Angel Fund, Building Debt Reduction, JP II High School Scholarship Fund, and any special collections for that month. If you do not currently receive the monthly envelope packet and would like to start, please contact Paula Chisolm at [email protected] to start your subscription.
Online Giving through WeShare
Online Giving is available for parishioners with WeShare, an easy and convenient way to save time and support our parish. Donating is simple, safe, and completely secure. If you would like to enroll in Online Giving, click here to be directed to the WeShare page. If you have any questions or concerns about the program or would like help setting up your account, please call our parish office at 469-467-9669 or contact Susan Wynne at swynne@ourladyofangels.com.