Catholics Come Home Help bring your loved ones home to their Catholic family. Come, let us return to the Lord…and He will heal us… Hosea 6:1 |
We Miss You
Every practicing Catholic is a gift to the Church community. As long as there are non-practicing Catholics, the Church is incomplete. We welcome all inactive Catholics to return to the faith so we can support and strengthen one another and the Church. We can play a role in helping your family, friends, co-workers or yourself return to our Catholic family. Consider the following:
Spiritual Growth
God’s gift of faith strengthens us and helps us to live as members of the Body of Christ—the Church. The Church is made up of unique individuals, each with his or her own gifts to share. In turn, the gifts of the church community strengthen and support the whole. We need each other.
It doesn’t matter how long you have been away from the Church. Your return will bring tremendous joy to God! Through His grace, your faith can deepen and grow like never before.
Changes in the Church
The Catholic faith is rich in its teachings and traditions. Even the most scholarly among us does not know everything. Learning about our Church and our faith is a lifelong process that can be enriched by formation classes, personal study, prayer, and the sharing of our faith. Anyone concerned that they need to catch up will feel right at home with other Catholics.
The Church teaches that Jesus is our Savior; He came not to condemn, but to save. In the sacrament of penance or reconciliation, Christ forgives all our sins, strengthens us spiritually, restores us to a state of grace, and helps us forgive others.
Hurts of the Past
The Church is made up of imperfect people with human problems and issues. If you have been hurt by clergy or any church member, in any way, healing can be found in the sacraments and through the compassionate support of our faith community.
Church Teaching
The teachings of the Church provide guidance and help us to know, love, and serve God, so that one day we may be united with Him forever in heaven. If you have asked about Church teachings, we invite you to speak with a priest or other knowledgeable person.
What Now
If you would like to speak with someone about returning to the Church, please contact us. Someone will be in touch with you soon. If you are not ready to speak with someone, please join us for Mass. Take a bulletin and look a the various activities going on in our parish. Choose a place to start that feels comfortable. We look forward to seeing you. In prayer, ask God to guide you. Your response to His loving call could be the first step toward a new beginning.